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Get all collections

List collections owned by the user. This api contains pagination. Read more about pagination

Query Parameters
    sortBy string

    Possible values: [recentlyUpdated, alphabetical]

    Sort the collections list either by the time they were updated at descendingly or alphabetically.

    last integer

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 20

    The number of items to be fetched. Should be used together with before

    first object

    Possible values: >= 1 and <= 20

    The number of items to be fetched.

    after object

    The cursor after which you want to get the next page of items. Should be used together with first

    before object

    The cursor before which the previous page of items will be fetched. Should be used together with last


Request has been handled successfully.

    success boolean
    data object[]
  • Array [
  • id string required
    updatedAt date-time required
    name string required
  • ]
  • pagination object
    startCursor string
    endCursor string
    hasNextPage boolean
    hasPreviousPage boolean