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Get group settings

Get group settings.

Path Parameters
    groupId string required

    The id of the group.


Request has been handled successfully.

    success boolean
    data object
    id integer required

    The id of the room.

    name string required

    The name of the room.

    description string required

    The description of the room.

    public boolean required

    Whether the group is public or not.

    active boolean required

    Whether the group is active or not.

    verified boolean required

    Whether the group is verified or not. Will be true if it's a page.

    subdomain string required

    The subdomain of the page. Will be empty when it is a group.

    roomType string required

    Possible values: [page, group]

    The type of the group

    group string required

    The group slug. Will be empty when it is a page.

    avatar string required

    The avatar of the group.

    link string required

    The link of the group/page. Will contain only the base domain when it is a page.

    membersCount integer required

    The number of members.

    postsCount integer required

    The number of posts.

    currentUserIsAdmin boolean required

    Whether the current user is an admin or not.
