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Get notes by verse

Retrieve notes by a specific verse.

Query Parameters
    verseKey string required

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^(\d+):(\d+)$

    The verse key for which notes are being requested.


Request has been handled successfully.

    success boolean
    data object[]
  • Array [
  • id string required

    The unique identifier of the note.

    createdAt date-time required

    The creation date of the note.

    updatedAt date-time required

    The last update date of the note.

    body string required

    Possible values: >= 6 characters and <= 10000 characters

    The main content of the note, must be between the specified minimum and maximum length.

    source string

    The source of the note.

    attachedEntities object[]

    An array of attached entities associated with the note.

  • Array [
  • entityId string required

    The unique identifier for the attached entity.

    entityType string required

    Possible values: [reflection]

    The type of the attached entity, must be one of the predefined NoteEntityType values.

    entityMetadata object

    Additional metadata for the attached entity.

  • ]
  • ranges string[]

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression ^(\d+):(\d+)-(\d+):(\d+)$

    An array of verse ranges associated with the note.

  • ]
  • pagination object
    startCursor string
    endCursor string
    hasNextPage boolean
    hasPreviousPage boolean