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Update user notification settings

Update user notification settings.

Path Parameters
    settingId string required

    The id of the notification settings to be updated.

Request Body
    emailsDisabled boolean

    Disable Email Notifications

    followNotification boolean

    User receives an email when someone follows the user

    followedUserAddedPostNotification boolean

    User receives an email when someone the user follows adds a new post.

    postCommentedNotification boolean

    Receive email when someone comments on the user's post.

    postLikedNotification boolean

    Receive email when someone likes the user's post.

    mentionNotification boolean

    User receives an email when someone mentions the user in a post or comment.

    addedPostInGroupNotification boolean

    User receives an email when someone in a group the user is in creates a new post.

    followPushNotification boolean

    User receives a notification when someone follows the user.

    followedUserAddedPostPushNotification boolean

    User receives a notification when someone that the user follows adds a new post.

    postCommentedPushNotification boolean

    User receives a notification when someone comments on the user's post.

    postLikedPushNotification boolean

    User receives a notification when someone likes the user's post.

    mentionPushNotification boolean

    User receives a notification when someone mentions the user in a post or comment.

    addedPostInGroupPushNotification boolean

    User receives a notification when someone in a group the user is in creates a new post.


Request has been handled successfully.

    success boolean
    data object

    Possible values: [Notification settings have been updated successfully]
