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Groups List API

The "get groups" API allows users to retrieve a list of groups and pages that they are a member of.

Query Parameters
    client_auth_token string required

    Client API token

Header Parameters
    access-token string required

    user access token

    client string required

    client access token

    expiry string required

    timestamp of token expiry

    Example: 1531312879
    token-type string required

    access token type

    Example: Bearer
    uid string required

    usr uid


List of rooms/groups

    success boolean

    Default value: true

    pages object required

    List ofrooms that the user can access

    rooms object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    The Id of the room

  • ]
  • groups object

    List of groups that the user can access

    rooms object[]
  • Array [
  • id string

    The Id of the room

  • ]