📄️ Sign in
This API endpoint allows authenticated access by verifying user credentials. To sign in, the client sends a POST request to this endpoint with the user's email and password in the request body. Upon successful authentication, the server returns(in headers) an `access token`, `uid`, `client token`, and `Authorization` info , which can be used for authorized access to protected resources. In case of an unsuccessful authentication attempt, an error message is returned.
📄️ Sign Up
This API endpoint allows creating a new user account by sending a POST request with the required user details. The response includes the newly created user object with a unique ID assigned by the system.
📄️ Update User Profile
This API endpoint allows updating a user's profile information by sending a PUT request with the user ID and the updated details in the request body. The request body can include fields such as name, description, notification settings, and password etc. Upon successful update, the server returns the updated user object.
📄️ Search users
Get list of users, you can apply filters using the 'username' or 'email' parameters. Please note that at least one of these parameters must be provided in order to receive any results.
📄️ Generate reset password email
Reset user password, user will get an email with a link to page where they can update the password.
📄️ Generate account confirmation email
This API endpoint allows sending a new account confirmation email to the user's email address. The email contains a unique confirmation link that the user can click to confirm their account. Upon clicking the link, the server verifies the token and sets the account status to confirmed, allowing the user to log in. If the confirmation link is invalid or has expired, the server will show an error message.
📄️ Sign out
This API endpoint allows logging out the authenticated user, clearing the access token and session from the server-side.
📄️ Get logged in user profile and posts
This API endpoint allows retrieving the profile details of a logged in user, user's posts, pages, followers count etc.
📄️ Toggle Follow for user
This API endpoint allows the authenticated user to toggle their follow status for another user by sending a POST request with the target user's username. If the user is already following the target user, sending the same request will unfollow the user, and vice versa.
📄️ Follow user api
This API endpoint allows the authenticated user to follow another user by sending a POST request with the target user's username.
📄️ Un-follow user api
This API endpoint allows the authenticated user to unfollow another user by sending a POST request with the target user's username.
📄️ User Translations API
Get translations preference of a specific user
📄️ Update user notifications setting api
Update email and push notification settings for user.
📄️ Update User Info API
Update User Info API
📄️ Get user profile detail
This API endpoint allows retrieving the profile details of a specific user, identified by their username.