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Search api

The "search" API allows users to search for content based on the given search query. The search query can be formatted as follows:

  • If the search query starts with "#" (hashtag), the API will search for matching tags.
  • If the search query starts with "@" (at sign), the API will search for matching usernames.
  • Otherwise, the API will search for matching text in translations.

Auth header are optional, but if you're searching in user group/page then you'll need to provide the auth headers as well.

Query Parameters
    client_auth_token string required

    Client API token

    q string required

    the search query

    sura_only boolean

    only search for surahs

    search_type string

    Possible values: [exact, approximate]

    Default value: approximate

    Should search for exact term or fuzzy search. Only applicable for translation search



Response Headers

    • Array [
    • anyOf

      id string

      user id

      text string


      full_text string

      full name with username

      avatar string

      url avatar url

      collection string

      Default value: authors

    • ]